My Blog
Search Service Application stops working after adding a user to Administrators
I came across an interesting bug while trying to add a user the Administrators of a Search Service Application in SharePoint 2013. When I tried adding the user, and clicking OK, and error is returned: "User does not have permission to perform this action" along with a...
Small .pdf files reporting – “The item has been truncated in the index because it exceeds the maximum size”
Recently, I encountered an issue with SharePoint 2013 search crawls where .pdf files smaller than 1 MB were reporting a warning: "The item has been truncated in the index because it exceeds the maximum size". The default MaxDownLoadSize for documents in SharePoint is...
SharePoint 2013 Default KeywordQuery Results Columns
Here is a list of the columns that are returned by default for relevant results of a KeywordQuery: Rank DocId FileType SecondaryFileExtension TitleAuthor Size Path Description EditorOWSUSER LastModifiedTime CollapsingStatus HitHighlightedSummary...
Errors and solutions when creating your first SharePoint 2013 App
"The system account cannot perform this action" After reading this blog post, I logged of and logged back in as my "sp-admin" account and tried again; this time it worked....well made it to the next error at least. "Sideloading of apps is not enabled on this site"...
BEWARE! Support Technicians Attempting to Gain Root Access
BEWARE! I have heard of many cases recently where people are receiving phone calls from someone claiming to work for Microsoft and wanting to fix a problem on the computer. DO NOT BELIEVE THESE PEOPLE! First of all, Microsoft will never call you; they charge by the...
Migrating a VMware VM to Azure
This document describes the steps necessary to migrate a VMWare virtual machine (.vmx and accompanying .vmdk) to the Microsoft Azure cloud. More detailed documentation is available from Microsoft: Creating and Uploading a Virtual Hard Disk that Contains the Windows...
Messor Solutions
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